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Autism news: Privacy is very important
June 04, 2018

In response to new regulations from the European Union, I have just completed a more-than-week-long project on our site that is designed to ensure your privacy. You may notice a few changes on our website, including a few that refer to our new privacy policy.

The bottom line is, you can rest assured that our website is as fully compliant with the new EU regulations as we can be.

If you wish, you can view our privacy policy at the link at the end of this message.

Those who know me understand that personal privacy is extremely important to me, and it bothers me when I see companies violating the privacy of their customers.

So at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I want to repeat that with regard to your information, the buck stops with me. That is, once you submit your name, email address, or any other personally identifiable information, I will keep it confidential. And I would never sell, rent or otherwise give your information to anyone else.

Hope you have a great day!

Talk soon,

Kay Donato

Discover Autism Help, LLC

Our privacy policy

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