My Nephew and the puzzle

by Jane
(Toledo, OH)

My sister moved to town with her 2 young sons (I will call Jack and Jay) years ago. Jack is autistic and I never heard him speak. Before that time, they had been living quite far from us and we actually had to get to know them better. We were all at our Mom's house gathered in the family room where a puzzle of the U.S.A was about half put together. My sister said to Jack, "Where's Ohio?" He picked up Ohio and put it in it's place as he did all the other states. I was so amazed and beside myself. It's a day I will always remember and I often tell so that no one will ever give up when it comes to teaching an autistic child.

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Feb 18, 2016

by: Kay

Hi Jane,

Isn't it amazing how children with autism can surprise us with what they can do?

Thanks for sharing your story!

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